          中央指揮部第五艦隊建立打擊海盜武力 ■USCENTCOM(2009.01.09)雲程譯 st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 看完美國「中央指揮部」(USCENTCOM)的新聞稿之後,可以體會軍人並非「武夫」,即使軍事行動也要時時注意行動的「授權」。 相對於新聞所披露:國安會與陸委會欲派拉法葉的作為,我們只覺得──「冗談吧?」連媒體的報導都是荒腔走板。 新聞稿中還可看出,美軍或國際聯合武力是在一個層層相疊的指揮架構中行動,這些不斷超乎一般人想像的制度安排,當然也有其深 婚禮佈置意。 日本自衛隊,會考慮檔:不具「司法警察」身份的軍人是否「有權逮捕海盜」等法律問題,台灣的國安高層是否認為:既然軍人能合法殺人,逮捕犯人的「小屁屁」根本不用掛齒?? 索馬利亞外海追捕海盜,海上保安官員登上自衛隊艦隻的活用 ■產經新聞(2009.01.03)雲程譯 中央指揮部第五艦隊建立打擊海盜武力 ■USCENTCOM(2009.01.09)雲程譯 「聯合海軍武力」(the Combined Maritime Forces, CMF)已經建立特別針對海盜任務的「151聯 襯衫合打擊部隊」(Combined Task Force 151, CTF-151)。 從20國以上集結的海軍艦隻與資產組成「聯合海軍武力」。美國海軍少將Terence “Terry” McKnight,已經被任命為此一新打擊部隊的指揮官,部隊將從元月中完整值勤。 「聯合海軍武力」在2008年8月間於亞丁灣建立了「海洋安全巡航區域」(the Maritime Security Patrol Area, MSPA),以支援國際打擊海盜的努力。聯盟的努力包括CTF-150船艦與飛機巡邏此一地區。但,CTF-150來自「持久自由任務」(Operation Enduring ARMANIFreedom)的授權,屬於亞丁灣、阿拉伯海、紅海、印度洋內的「海洋安全任務」(Maritime Security Operations, MSO)。 這任務包括了制止不穩定活動如毒品與武器走私。CTF-151建立後將使CTF-151的船艦等能持續專注在這些活動上,且可賦予CTF-151只專注在反海盜任務上。 CMF指揮官海軍中將Bill Gortney說:「聯盟內某些國家的海軍並未具有反海盜任務的授權。建立CTF-151將能使這些國家在CTF-150之下執行任務,同時也能允許其他國家加入CTF-151來支援制止、破壞海盜的目標,以其最終將海盜事?系統傢俱騕幼W犯罪繩之以法。」 海軍中將Gortney強調此地區海盜由於商船公司的積極作為而減少。他不斷提醒聯盟與國際海軍的努力仍無法解決海盜問題。 「對付海盜最有效的方法,本質上必須是『非靜態的』與『非防禦性的』。商船方面在防止海盜方面已經做很多努力。這是很重要的開端。但還到仍舊會是個海上與國際問題,需要國際性的通力解決。我們相信建立CTF-151是邁向正確方向的重要一步。」 CTF-151是多國在亞丁灣、阿拉伯海、印度洋與紅海海域附近執行反海盜任務打擊武力,且建立合法的海洋秩序與發展安全的海洋 票貼環境。 New Counter-Piracy Task Force Established Commander, Combined Maritime Forces Public Affairs MANAMA, Bahrain – The Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) has established Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) specifically for counter-piracy operations. Naval ships and assets from more than 20 nations comprise the Combined Maritime Forces. U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Terence “Terry” McKnight has been named the commander of the new task force which will be fully operational by the middle of Januar 系統傢俱y. The CMF created the Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA) in the Gulf of Aden in August of 2008 to support international efforts to combat piracy. Coalition efforts included CTF-150 assets patrolling the area with ships and aircraft. However, the charter for CTF-150, established at the outset of Operation Enduring Freedom, was for the conduct of Maritime Security Operations (MSO) in the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Operations included the deterrence of destabil 住商房屋izing activities, such as drug smuggling and weapons trafficking. The establishment of CTF-151 will allow CTF-150 assets to remain focused on those activities, giving CTF-151 the ability to focus solely on the counter-piracy mission. “Some navies in our coalition did not have the authority to conduct counter-piracy missions,” said Vice Adm, Bill Gortney, CMF Commander. “The establishment of CTF-151 will allow those nations to operate under the auspices of CTF-150, while allowing other nations to join CTF-151 to support our go 婚禮佈置al of deterring, disrupting and eventually bringing to justice the maritime criminals involved in piracy events.” Vice Adm. Gortney highlighted the reduction in piracies in the region due to merchant mariners’ proactive measures. He also continued to caution that the efforts of Coalition and international navies won’t solve the problem of piracy. “The most effective measures we’ve seen to defeat piracy are non-kinetic and defensive in nature. The merchant ships have been doing a great job stepping up and utilizing these methods to defeat pir 關鍵字廣告acy attempts. That’s a great first step. But the problem of piracy is and continues to be a problem that begins ashore and is an international problem that requires an international solution. We believe the establishment of CTF-151 is a significant step in the right direction.” CTF 151 is a multinational task force that conducts counter-piracy operations in and around the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Red Sea and was established to create a lawful maritime order and develop security in the maritime environment. 宜蘭民宿ml  .

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